Monday, July 25, 2016

Pruning Haskaps

There is a mixed opinion and some research being done in this area. Pruning Haskap can be done, but how it is done and what results you will see and how long it will last are questions that have several answers.
Experience has showed that pruning the bottom of the plants after harvesting them will result in a lot of re growth in the same area in the following years (not very effective). Pruning the heavier wood in the centre of the plants results in new branches with more fruit and it's more supple, less likely to break in the next couple of years. Pruning all the edges fairly evenly, results in lots of new growth although not necessarily a lot more fruit in the following year . 
Some opinions suggest that pruning the bottom to bring the fruit higher does not work. Pruning the middle opens it up and gives you more fruit (don;t do more than 25%). Pruning all over is too much work and plant ends up too bushy.


In Saskatchewan flea beetles mainly afflict Canola, and we’ve had a few minor infestations on dwarf sour cherry.
Information regarding flea beetles can be found here at the Canola Council website.
I have not seen economically significant damage from flea beetles on Haskap.
In general flea beetles feed on new growth; this can be especially damaging to canola when they feed on the cotyledons before the plant has had a chance to grow a number of new leaves. 
In regard to haskap; they might feed a bit on new leaves, but there are usually too few (flea beetles) feeding extensively to be a concern.
If a grower has evidence to the contrary; please get them to send me samples of the beetles, and pictures of the plant damage.
Perhaps the grower is in a blueberry growing region where Blueberry flea beetles are predominant? See attached info and link for control recommendations on blueberry.

In regard to pesticide control options, the attached insecticides are registered for Haskap (edible honeysuckle/Lonicera) and may provide some control.

Information provided by our Provincial Specialist, Fruit Crops - Forrest Scharf

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Haskap Days NEXT WEEK!!

I hope you are all excited about the upcoming Haskap Days in Saskatoon this coming weekend from July 7-9 inclusive!!  Don't forget to sign up for the tour as well. This is your chance to ask all your questions and come back to your orchard armed with tonnes of information!